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Saturday Morning Group Ride

Saturday morning rides are scheduled ad hoc occasionally through the year.  Watch the TriFury facebook group for members looking to ride. Rides begin from the Hermann Youth Center Parking Lot at 19 Johnson St in North Andover, MA.

21-mile Course

TriFury 21 Mile Topsfield Ride 2012 - North Andover, Boxford, Topsfield in North Andover, MA

This 21 mile course turns off the 35 mile course at 9 miles onto Rte 97 and in 1/2 mile rejoins the 35 mile course, cutting off 15 miles of the longer route and the toughest two 2 hills.

View Map for 21-Miler 

35-mile Course

TriFury 35 Mile Bike Course 2012 - N. Andover, Boxford, Topsfield, Hamilton & Ipswich in North Andover, MA

The full course for the Saturday Morning TriFury bike ride.
View Map for 35-miler

54-mile Course

Announcing a great 54 mile course for Saturday mornings.  It turns off of the 35 mile course at about 17 miles off of Highland Street onto Goodhue and makes it way first out to Crane Beach, and then out to Great Neck, then back through Ipswich Center to rejoin the 35 mile course at about 38 miles. Incredibly scenic views of the Ipswich coastline and a good little hill or two for good measure, but reasonably flat. 

View Map for 54-miler    

TriFury Rides start from the North Andover Youth Center.


Friday Evening Group Swim

Friday Evening Swims are occasionally and will be organized on our Facebook page. Swims usually begin around 4:30pm at Stiles Pond in Boxford, MA.  Park in the boat launch parking lot. The other lot (if opened) is for a private beach. Please stay off the beach; it is private. There is a path in the woods that leads to the pond without going onto the beach.  Please be respectful of the neighbors and the Boxford community who are gracious enough to allow open water swimming here.

Swimming is completely at your own risk. No lifeguard is offered nor swim buddy guaranteed.

0.75-mile Lap

To Camp Wakanda (aka Baby Beach) on the left side of the pond and back.

1.25-mile Lap

Full trip, all the way across the pond and back.

TriFury Swims start from 14 Stiles Pond Rd, Boxford, MA.